Texas A&M joins research-driven effort to stem climate change
Texas A&M University will work with more than 40 of the world’s leading climate research universities in the newly established International Universities Climate Alliance, an organization designed to communicate research insights on the most effective means to meet the unprecedented global challenge of climate change.
Alliance members will work together to identify the most effective ways to communicate research-based facts related to climate change to the public. Members will engage in work across climate change science, impact, mitigation strategies and adaptation.
Vice President for Research Mark A. Barteau said the alliance provides an opportunity for Texas A&M to contribute to identifying solutions while strengthening A&M’s global reputation in climate science. “We are excited to unite with our peer universities to pursue solutions to climate change through advanced, multidisciplinary research,” Barteau said. “In this time of pandemic, it is vital for all research institutions to remember there are many other great challenges to civilization that demand our energy and focus.”
Jack Baldauf, senior associate vice president for research, said the alliance will help to inform and reshape the international conversation about climate change between policymakers, business leaders and educators. “When it comes to climate change, interest among decision makers is stronger than ever, but the will to take action has proven weak,” Baldauf said. “Our aim through this alliance is to accelerate agreement on how to address this extraordinary dilemma.”
The University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, is facilitating the establishment of the alliance. In addition to Texas A&M, inaugural U.S. members include California Institute of Technology, Cornell University, the University of Washington, Penn State University, New York University, Arizona State University, Oregon State University, and the University of Illinois. International partners include Sorbonne University, the University of Manchester, China University of Geosciences, the University of Melbourne, the University of São Paulo, the University of Nairobi, King’s College London, the University of Tasmania, and other leading research institutions in Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia and the South Pacific.
The alliance has established a website at www.universitiesforclimate.org.