K. Lance Kelly, Ph.D.
Senior Research Development Officer Research Development Services Division of Research- (979) 458-4280
- k.lancekelly@tamu.edu
Lance Kelly is a senior research development officer with the large proposal development team with an emphasis on the National Science Foundation (NSF), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) efforts. He supports the proposal development life cycle for large and strategic research proposals.
Kelly is Texas A&M Class of ’97, with a degree in Chemistry. Prior to returning to campus in 2023, he worked for small businesses as a primary investigator, primarily supported by the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR/STTR) Program. Kelly has experience as a proposal team leader and has direct knowledge of the technical needs of sponsors within the US Army, US Marine Corps, and US Air Force. Further, Kelly has experience preparing compliant proposals to the DOE, NASA, NIH, DOT, and the US Coast Guard. Kelly received his PhD and Masters in Chemistry from Northwestern University and has held postdoctoral positions at Yale and the University of Tokyo.