CITI RCR Training
Please note
These CITI RCR courses are NOT the same as the CITI Human Subjects training required for IRB.
Online Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training is required for:
- Individuals participating in a federally-sponsored project that requires RCR training (e.g. NSF or USDA-NIFA)
- All postdoctoral researchers at Texas A&M University, per SAP 15.99.99.M0.04
- All graduate and undergraduate students participating in research at Texas A&M University, per SAP 15.99.99.M0.04
Online RCR training is completed in the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI), an online provider of research ethics, compliance, and professional development education.
How to Access CITI Training:
- Individuals with access to TrainTraq can sign up for the appropriate course:
- Course 2113357: Undergraduate students, graduate students, and Postdoctoral Fellows
- Course 2114579: PIs and senior lab personnel (NOT postdoctoral fellows)
- AgriLife Research, AgriLife Extension, and TEES all have their own TrainTraq course numbers for CITI RCR Training.
- The TrainTraq course will provide further information about RCR training and then redirect to the CITI site for completion of the RCR training.
CITI Website
- If you do not have TrainTraq access, you can access the instructions below and proceed directly to CITI.
- CITI RCR Instructions