Sent on behalf of Dr. Henry Fadamiro, Associate Vice President for Research for Strategic Initiatives

Distributed to all faculty, staff and students at Texas A&M University.

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to significantly influence various aspects of our university mission, including research.

Many federal agencies have developed guidelines and best practices for the use of generative AI in research. With that in mind, the Division of Research – with input from the Texas A&M University Generative AI in Research Working Group and other sources across the university – has identified, outlined and compiled the document “Best Practices for Generative AI in Research.” 

The document is posted on the Division of Research website along with additional resources regarding generative AI.

This document should serve as a resource for researchers and provide a framework for each college or school to develop detailed and specific action plans tailored to their unique and specialized needs. It has been developed by referencing relevant publications from other institutions, federal agencies, the private sector and scholarly journals, and will be frequently updated to reflect cutting-edge advancements in generative AI.

Please send questions and comments to Dr. Henry Fadamiro, Associate Vice President for Strategic Initiatives in the Division of Research, at

Dr. Henry Fadamiro
Associate Vice President for Research for Strategic Initiatives
Division of Research
Texas A&M University