Sent on behalf of Dr. Jack G. Baldauf, Vice President for Research

I am pleased to announce that Dr. Henry Fadamiro, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and Texas A&M AgriLife Research, has accepted an appointment as an Associate Vice President for Research in the Division of Research, Strategic Initiatives, effective October 15, 2022. 

Dr. Fadamiro joined Texas A&M University in 2021 as associate director and chief scientific officer for Texas A&M AgriLife Research and as associate dean for the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. He previously served as associate dean for research for the Auburn University’s College of Agriculture and as associate director of Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station. In these roles, he advanced faculty and student research and initiated several professional development programs. Under his direction, the college’s extramural awards increased by almost 90%. He is a Rhodes Scholar and a fellow of the Royal Entomological Society. 

In his role, Dr. Fadamiro will assume leadership of Texas A&M’s expanding emphasis on research development with a focus on advancing strategic research initiatives and encouraging partnerships with Texas through engagement. His responsibilities will include: 

  • Collaboration with A&M stakeholders (including schools and agencies in The Texas A&M University System), the national laboratories, federal agencies, other universities, the commercial sector, and the Texas A&M Foundation. 
  • Assessment of potential initiatives for alignment with strategic priorities through evaluation, impact, and assessment of the value proposition. 
  • Enhancement of the land-, sea- and space-grant missions through the application of research knowledge and technology for the benefit of communities, the state, and the nation. 
  • Engagement with stakeholders in the Texas A&M research enterprise.