Sent on behalf of Mark A. Barteau, Vice President for Research


Panther RISE Grant Program Guidelines for Texas A&M University Faculty

To further enhance collaboration between Texas A&M and Prairie View A&M University faculty, the Vice President for Research (VPR) has agreed to participate in the Panther Research and Innovation for Scholarly Excellence (PRISE) Grant Program initiated by the Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU) Vice President for Research and Innovation. Similar to the Texas A&M Triads for Transformation (T3) program, the PRISE Grant Program is expected to fund up to five Triads (teams of three faculty) working on projects defined by a PVAMU faculty member and engaging two Texas A&M tenured or tenure-track faculty members. Each of the funded Triads will be awarded $30K, with $10K provided to the PVAMU principal investigators (PIs) by PVAMU and $20K total to the Texas A&M PIs by Texas A&M. Unlike the Texas A&M T3 program, funding decisions will be made through a review process. The guidelines for the PRISE Grant Program, as defined by PVAMU, are attached. This document provides additional guidelines as they pertain to the Texas A&M faculty engaged in the Triads.

Note the following:

  1. Texas A&M faculty participation in the PRISE Grant Program does not preclude participation in the Texas A&M Round 4 T3 program, which is currently underway.
  2. All proposals to be funded will be reviewed for compliance and funds will be allocated only after all compliance issues have been addressed.
  3. Submission and funding of projects will follow the PVAMU timeline in the attached document.
  4. The Texas A&M faculty budget will be separate from that of the PVAMU faculty and should follow the guidelines below.
  5. The Texas A&M faculty budget should be included as part of and in addition to other information requested in a single PDF file by the PRISE Grant Program.
  6. You may wish to reach out to any existing or prospective collaborators you have at PVAMU regarding this opportunity.
  7. Texas A&M faculty funded under this program are expected to submit a short report to the Texas A&M VPR at the end of the project outlining any outcomes and future endeavors resulting from the project.

Texas A&M Budget Guidelines:

  1. Total budget should be $20K.
  2. Allowable expenses include hardware/software not to exceed $5K, graduate and undergraduate student salaries/wages, graduate student tuition, travel funds, and supplies. No faculty salaries are allowed.
  3. Please provide a one-paragraph justification of your budget.
  4. Please make your budget for one year (ending December 31, 2021).

Texas A&M faculty can identify and contact potential PVAMU faculty members for research, innovation, and scholarly collaborations in three ways:

Please contact Ms. Shelly Martin at with any questions.