Texas A&M University, in collaboration with Prairie View A&M University, is happy to announce the 2023 Panther Research & Innovation for Scholarly Excellence (PRISE) program. In its third year, the PRISE Grant Program is expected to fund up to 15 teams working on projects of mutual interest. Teams will consist of 1 PVAMU tenured/tenure track faculty member, 1 PVAMU graduate student, 1 TAMU tenured/tenure track faculty member, and 1 TAMU graduate student.

Award Selection and Funding:

Teams selected for funding will receive $40K total, with $20K provided to the PVAMU PI by PVAMU and

$20K total to the TAMU PI by TAMU. Funding decisions will be made through a review process. The guidelines for the PRISE Grant Program as defined by PVAMU are outlined in the attached RFP. This email provides additional guidelines as they pertain to TAMU faculty participating in a team.

Research Themes:

Proposals supporting the following strategic research themes are encouraged.

  • Community and Economic Resilience
  • Emerging Technologies and Innovations
  • Health and Quality of Life
  • National Security
  • Space Exploration
  • Sustainability and Environment

Note the following:

  1. All proposals to be funded will be reviewed for compliance and funds will be allocated only after all compliance issues have been addressed.
  2. The TAMU faculty budget will be separate from that of the PVAMU faculty and should follow the guidelines below.
  3. The TAMU faculty budget should be included as part of and in addition to other information requested in a single PDF file by the PRISE Grant Program.
  4. You may wish to reach out to any existing or prospective collaborators you have at PVAMU regarding this opportunity.
  5. TAMU faculty funded under this program are expected to submit a short report to the TAMU VPR at the end of the project outlining any outcomes and future endeavors resulting from the project.
  6. The investigator-team is expected to submit a collaborative proposal to an external funding agency by Spring 2025.
  7. Proposals must be submitted by the collaborating PVAMU faculty by March 6, 2023 (5 PM CST). See the attached PVAMU guidelines for more information.

TAMU Budget Guidelines:

  1. Total budget should be $20K.
  2. Allowable expenses include hardware/software not to exceed $5K, graduate and undergraduate student salaries/wages, graduate student tuition, travel funds, and supplies. No Texas A&M faculty salaries are allowed.
  3. At least $10K of the budget must be used for graduate student support.
  4. Please provide a one-paragraph justification of your budget.
  5. Please make your budget for one year (May 15, 2023 – May 14, 2024).

PVAMU Faculty Expertise:

TAMU faculty can identify and contact potential PVAMU faculty members for research, innovation, and scholarly collaborations in three ways:

Any questions, please contact:

Henry Fadamiro

Associate Vice President for Research, Strategic Initiatives Office of the Vice President for Research Division of Research