Sent on behalf of Dr. Jack G. Baldauf, Vice President for Research

To all Texas A&M University researchers, faculty, staff and students: 

Today, we announce the launch of Advancing Discovery to Market (ADM), a research initiative designed to provide resources to support the development or demonstrate the commercial potential of recent discoveries within the Texas A&M research enterprise.

This $5 million program is open to researchers, faculty, staff and students of Texas A&M University and its partners among The Texas A&M University System’s state agencies: the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station, the Texas A&M Transportation Institute and Texas A&M AgriLife Research.

President M. Katherine Banks first unveiled ADM in her 2022 State of the University address. (ADM is the second new research initiative we have announced in 2023. On January 12, we revealed the launch of ASCEND, a collaborative research seed-grant initiative for faculty and researchers.)

ADM offers two award levels based on a discovery’s maturity:

  • Type 1 awards ($99,000 or less) will focus on immature discoveries where an innovation has been formulated with the understanding that the application may still be speculative.
  • Type 2 awards ($100,000-$500,000) will assist discoveries where a concept is established but refinement is necessary to advance the innovation towards entering the market or creating a start-up company.

Key components of the ADM evaluation process include an applicant’s ability to:

  • Translate the discovery or innovation into protected intellectual property
  • Enhance the discovery or innovation for licensing or investment

Full proposals are due on Monday, May 1, 2023.

Details are available on the ADM web page on the Division of Research website.

We encourage all researchers, faculty, staff and students at Texas A&M or its partner research agencies to submit proposals to the ADM initiative.