I am pleased to announce several new appointments to the senior leadership team in the Division of Research.

Jack Baldauf joins the Division as senior associate vice president for research. In this role, Jack will provide leadership for our international programs, space and environmental initiatives, faculty development and recognition, and strategic research planning. Before serving in his most recent position as executive associate dean and associate dean for research in the College of Geosciences, Dr. Baldauf served in several roles including deputy director and manager of science operations for the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program and the Ocean Drilling Program.

Penny Riggs joins the Division as an associate vice president for research. She will provide direction and leadership in the areas associated with animal research—the Comparative Medicine Program, the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee and the Institutional Biosafety Committee. Dr. Riggs is an associate professor of functional genomics in the Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. She also serves as a member of the Interdisciplinary Faculty of Genetics and an adjunct member of the Department of Veterinary Integrative Biosciences, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.

Gerianne Alexander, who has served as a senior faculty fellow in the Division for the past year, has been appointed an associate vice president for research. In her role as senior faculty fellow, she fostered multidisciplinary research, including increasing the engagement of the humanities and social sciences. Her new leadership role will involve areas associated with human subjects research—the Institutional Review Board and the Arts & Humanities Program. Previously, Dr. Alexander served as associate dean of research and professor of psychology in the College of Liberal Arts.

I look forward to the opportunity to work with these exceptional faculty members in their new leadership roles. I am confident that their enthusiasm and initiative will help Texas A&M researchers reach new heights of success. Please join me in congratulating them on their appointments and wishing them every success in their new positions.


Dr. Mark A. Barteau | Vice President for Research
Office of the Vice President for Research | Division of Research | Texas A&M University
1112 TAMU | College Station, TX 77843-1112
ph: 979.845.8585 |