Sent on behalf of Mark A. Barteau, Vice President for Research 

In-person Undergraduate Research Guidelines

As part of planning for the fall 2020 term, the following guidance is provided for in-person undergraduate research. This guidance applies to all undergraduate research activities including, but not limited to, credit-bearing research experiences, paid employment on a research project, paid lab-based student workers, organized undergraduate research programs, and research-oriented volunteer activities.

  • Research projects that students can complete remotely are exempt from these guidelines.
  • Unless previously approved prior to the start of the summer 2020 term, no undergraduate students may begin credit-bearing experiences or new paid research positions prior to the start of the fall 2020 term.
  • Research supervisors wishing to host undergraduate researchers or student workers in research positions in fall 2020 must provide their department head with a document describing:
    • COVID-related safety measures ongoing in the research space including face covering, cleaning, physical distancing, and other measures as appropriate; the addition of undergraduate students in the research space must accommodate 6 ft physical distancing.
    • All research-specific safety training (COVID- and facility/space-related) that undergraduate students will be required to complete prior to initiation of research activities.

Research supervisors who choose not to host undergraduate researchers for credit-bearing experiences should refer students to their academic advisor for any related adjustments to the student’s fall course schedule.