Sent on behalf of Mark A. Barteau, Vice President for Research

Dear Colleagues, 

I would like to make you aware of a very timely research survey designed to get a better understanding of the impact of COVID-19 on the research enterprise across the Texas A&M University System. It is important for us to hear from all of the System components. 

I encourage you to participate in this important survey, which can be found here: 

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Marcia Ory ( from Texas A&M’s School of Public Health. She has been working with a group of interdisciplinary researchers to develop this survey.To ensure a good response rate, this survey will be sent out to several faculty and staff research listservs. We apologize in advance for cross-listings.

I appreciate your participation in this survey and look forward to your input.  

IRB Number: IRB2020-0622
IRB Approval Date: 06/05/2020