Aggie ACHIEVE exists as an accommodation to assist college students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities to successfully attend college. Aggie ACHIEVE supports both student and faculty by bridging the communication between the student and the professor. Before the start of the semester, the student and faculty, along with ACHIEVE staff, participate in an ILA (Individual Learning Agreement) meeting. During this meeting, faculty provides the student and program staff with the course information and expectations. The student will provide information regarding support and accommodation they may need. Aggie ACHIEVE provides Study Hall support (minimum of 4 hours per week) for each student to be successful in their courses. Faculty are not required to change their teaching style or provide one-on-one instruction. ACHIEVE students can receive additional supports from Disability Resources including note taker assistance, extended time on assignments and tests, alternate assignment and testing options (ACHIEVE students can submit power point presentations or have shortened tests). The accommodations are discussed as a team during the ILA. Each member of the ILA meeting is provided with a copy of the ILA agreement. Additional faculty support includes open communication with the program if there is an issue and or if additional support is needed. At the end of the semester, faculty completes an end-of-semester ILA to provide feedback on the student’s performance, their experience teaching and if the faculty would like to continue the partnership with Aggie ACHIEVE. Research Support: Research plays an integral role in immersive education for students with disabilities. ACHIEVE students have participated in research as research participants and project research team members. Aggie ACHIEVE can support the faculty and student by providing letters of support and or collaboration, a bio sketch, disability resource accommodations for the student, Job Coach to support the student in their research assignments, open communication and overall general support.