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Atmospheric Sciences

What causes massive shifts in Atlantic iceberg activity? Here’s a new theory

Researchers publish findings in Nature Geoscience
Public Health

Is our environment contributing to a dramatic rise in diabetes cases?

Changes in diet and behavior cannot entirely explain surge in disease

Healing power of nature: Survey helps to improve outdoor spaces

Italian graduate students use method developed at Texas A&M to evaluate 67 nursing facilities in Milan

Dental implants may corrode and fail, Health Science Center study says

Problems may result form acidic environment caused by bacteria and inflammation

Central American farmers welcome sorghum designed to thrive in tropics

CI0947bm is designed to take on pest and pathogens that make it difficult to produce high quality forage for livestock

Suffering from obesity? The culprit may be your genes, not just your diet

A new study suggests the odds of adults developing obesity may be set before birth.

What caused Japan’s 2011 tsunami? A thin layer of clay on ocean’s floor

Researchers aboard deep sea drilling vessel Chikyu find answers inside the Tohoku earthquake fault

‘Flipping the classroom’ improves scores, not satisfaction, study says

New study compares innovative video-lecture approach with traditional lectures and hybrid approach