
The division is committed to a truly comprehensive university where students, researchers, and inventors bring scholarship and innovation to bear for the benefit of the community, the state, and the nation.

Division of Research Mission Statement

Texas A&M is one of the world’s leading research universities. The Division of Research will advance and strengthen all aspects of the research enterprise by implementing an enhanced, integrated, and strategic approach to:

  • Capitalize on our research strengths and knowledge to deliver solutions to serve the public good
    • Grow our resources, infrastructure, data, and technology
    • Align opportunities with potential collaborators and research teams
    • Support interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary collaborations to advance research
    • Increase federal, state, and private funding
    • Provide effective research support
  • Build capacity through collaborations and strategic investments
  • Promote creativity and innovation, while ensuring the highest standards of research integrity in proposing, conducting, and reporting research, and promote and facilitate safe, ethical, and scholarly activity that reflects the university’s mission and core values
  • Increase communication and enhance visibility with stakeholders to promote the value of research and the research enterprise
Jack G Baldauf

Jack G. Baldauf

Vice President for Research

As vice president for research, Jack Baldauf leads in the delivery of strategic support to further the University’s research mission, facilitate collaborations to increase federal funding, strengthen the research infrastructure, encourage commercialization partnerships, and ensure research compliance.

More about the Vice President for Research

Faculty Research Organizations

Provide communication with the Texas A&M research community through its representatives.

By the numbers

#1 in the nation
in National Science Foundation (NSF) funding
(NSF HERD Report (Fiscal Year 2022)
1 of 24 Universities
to hold the designation as a land-, sea-, and space-grant university and a member of the Associations of American Universities
$1.278 Billion
in total research expenditures
Fiscal Year 2023