Proposals and Awards
- Federal grant submission portals (e.g., remain operational. However, certain federal agencies have suspended or postponed Proposal Solicitations (RFPs). Confirm with the agency if there are changes to proposal deadlines. If the agency has an alert notification system, consider signing up to receive updates from the agency.
- Review the below Table to determine the agencies that have suspended new proposal submissions. If your agency is not on the list, continue to submit proposals based on agency guidelines and deadlines (as applicable).
- For NIH proposals in the submission pipeline, SRS recommends submitting the budget using existing negotiated F&A rates with a statement in the budget justification that your institution will comply with applicable law and guidance governing indirect cost rates upon award.
Not all Awards are Affected
Please note that these agencies have not issued SWOs for all agreements, meaning not all awards are affected. Investigators impacted by the SWOs have already been contacted by SRS.
- If SRS receives a Stop Work Order or Project Termination notice from a federal funding agency, the PI, Department Head, Research Dean and financial contact will receive notification from SRS.
- If you or one of your PIs receives a Stop Work Order or directives from a program manager for a specific federally funded project, please reach out to SRS for further guidance. AWARDS@TAMU.EDU
- If you receive specific instructions from SRS regarding a federally funded project affected by a Stop Work Order, please follow those instructions carefully.
- If you have not received a Stop Work Order or directives from a program manager, continue with your grant-funded research activities as normal. At this time, please refrain from reacting to general news or broad messaging from federal agencies.
- If you have a current NIH award, continue with your grant-funded activities. The NIH F&A Rate Reduction Notice should not impact on your direct cost budget.
- Regularly review agency-specific information below for up-to-date information and to determine if your award will be impacted.
- Contact your post-award unit regarding award setups.
- Contact your post-award unit for help requesting no cost extensions.