Approval Process
Who May Submit an IBC Permit Application?
Only faculty or faculty equivalent positions may submit an application for an IBC permit.
Documentation Needed
The initial step for approval to work with biohazards is completing the IBC permit application.
All applicable forms are available online in the iRIS program with instructions. Contact IBC staff if you need assistance or iRIS access.
Protocol Review
Once an IBC permit application has been submitted, it is assigned to biosafety staff for review and processing. Part of this process includes a laboratory site visit and assessment.
Applicable institutional training and Biosafety Occupational Health Program requirements will be assigned as part of the IBC application review and must be completed before the IBC application can be approved.
If the submission does not require review at a convened IBC meeting, the IBC chair is authorized to review and approve the submission on behalf of the IBC.
If your submission requires full committee review, then all necessary documents must be submitted at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting date. The principal investigator or a representative is invited to attend the meeting. IBC meetings are open to the public. The IBC meets once per month, typically the fourth Wednesday at 12:30pm.
Once an IBC application has been reviewed, the laboratory has been certified, and all applicable training and BOHP requirements have been completed, IBC approval will be communicated to the principal investigator in the form of an outcome letter.
Post Approval
Annual reviews of approved activities and, as appropriate, laboratory site visits are conducted by the Office of Biosafety on behalf of the IBC. Approved IBC registrations must be renewed every three years. Investigators receive a notification requesting submission of the annual review form or three-year renewal application, as appropriate.
Once an IBC application is approved, any changes must be further approved through an amendment process. New agents, new procedures, new recombinant activities, and changes in laboratory locations must all be approved prior to implementing the change. New personnel must be added and leaving personnel must be removed by submitting a Personnel Change Request (PCR).
Investigators operating BSL-2 or BSL-3 labs must notify the IBC and submit a Personnel Change Request (PCR) when new personnel join the lab or when personnel leave the lab.
Amendment and PCR forms are accessible online in iRIS.