Financial Conflict of Interest / Conflict of Commitment

A conflict of interest or commitment is created when personal, financial, or outside interests could unduly influence the design, conduct, or reporting of research, or interfere with the performance of institutional responsibilities. For example, real or perceived conflicts have the potential to influence decisions related to research study design, data collection and analysis, intellectual property ownership, oversight of students and trainees, and use of university facilities and property.

Financial Conflict of Interest

Pursuant to the Texas A&M System Regulation 15.01.03 Financial Conflicts of Interest in Sponsored Research, and University Rule 15.01.03.M1, Texas A&M has the responsibility to identify and manage and reduce or eliminate conflicts of interest that may arise due to financial or other personal interests of the investigator. ALL investigators involved in research at the university, regardless of job title, who are responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of research or research activities are required to complete a disclosure in Huron.  Notifications will be sent via email with a link to the Huron system when disclosure is required:

  • within 30 days of initial employment,
  • prior to the submission of an application for funding,
  • at least annually, and
  • within 30 days of acquisition of a new activity requiring disclosure.

Guidance documents regarding Huron can be found here

In addition, all investigators who are responsible for designing, conducting, or reporting on research or research activities must also complete training on financial conflicts of interest. Employees will receive automatic notifications with a link to the training. The training is currently available through the A&M System’s Single Sign On system (TrainTraq Course 2111716), and is required every 4 years.

Conflict of Commitment

It is the goal of Texas A&M to provide a transparent system of disclosure of its employees’ activities, external to the university, which might otherwise raise concerns about conflicts of commitment. The procedure provides the institutional responsibilities to protect the credibility and reputation of the university and its faculty and staff when those employees are engaged in external activities, ensures compliance with state ethics laws and The Texas A&M University System Policies and Regulations, and addresses conflicts between external professional and non-professional activities and university responsibilities. All employees are required to complete a disclosure in Huron (non-investigators will not see FCOI questions). Please see Huron instructions and guidance documents here.

Other Resources

For Questions, Contact

Conflict Of Interest