Necropsy and Necropsy Cooler

The CMP necropsy area is considered a terminal location. This means that animals that enter the necropsy area should not return to normal animal housing areas. Once animals have been terminated by the approved method, death should be verified before disposing of the carcass into the necropsy cooler.

Animal carcasses for discard should be placed in the carcass disposal container located in the necropsy cooler. Paper, plastic, metal (including ear tags, staples, etc.), latex gloves and other foreign material should be thrown in the trash barrel provided in the necropsy room and MUST NOT be included in with animal carcasses. Animals that need to be held for investigator examination or diagnostic purposes should be clearly labeled (include date) and placed into one of the labeled hold bins located inside of the necropsy cooler.  Animals designated for “Hold” are held for one week before they are discarded.

The necropsy area can be reserved for blocks of time by filling the room reservation log located on the front of the necropsy room door. Scheduling in advance ensures that the area will be available when needed. Contact the CMP Main Animal Care office with questions regarding scheduling information.