Lockers for Investigators

Lockers for investigators and their staff are available in most CMP facilities. The lockers are located next to the investigators entrance or locker rooms to provide immediate access upon entry into the building, and to facilitate access to clean lab coats.

The lockers are numbered and equipped with locks. Access is on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that the lockers are for day use only, and items should not be left in the lockers overnight. Detailed instructions of use are posted on the lockers themselves. Laundry receptacles have been placed next to the lockers for the collection of used lab coats. Questions about use of the lockers should be directed to the CMP facilities coordinator at 979.845.7433.

Investigator Use of Procedure Rooms, Cabinets and Drawers

CMP provides procedure room space for investigative use on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservations for room use require 24 hours’ advance notice and are strongly suggested to avoid conflicts in schedules. Reservations should be made through the CMP supervisor for the area. Special requests for longer term procedure room use will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Locking cabinets and drawers are also available for the storage of investigative group supplies. These cabinets and drawers are billed a nominal charge on a monthly basis at CMP main and CMP support facilities. Contact the area supervisor for additional information. Note that all cabinets and drawers are subject to IACUC inspections.

Equipment Needs

CMP maintains a small area of clean equipment for investigator access and use located in room 215 in the CMP Laboratory Animal Resources and Research (LARR) Facility. Large quantities of clean equipment needed by investigative staff should be requested well in advance of needs. Communication and arrangements with the CMP small animal area coordinator or CMP supervisory staff will ensure that appropriate equipment is available when needed.

CMP can accommodate some special equipment needs. Early communication about needs to the CMP management is essential to ensure that equipment can be provided when the project begins. Arrangements should be made through the CMP program manager at the time of AUP submission to the IACUC for approval.

Investigator Drugs in the CMP Facility

IACUC facility inspections often identify outdated items that investigators were not aware had expiration dates. Please take time to check for expiration dates on all drugs, chemicals and supplies used in labs, animal holding areas and animal procedure areas. Expiration dates can be found on items most of us would never consider perishable (e.g., eye ointment, propylene glycol, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, surgery gloves). Outdated drugs and supplies are not acceptable for use in survival procedures and must be clearly and boldly marked “Out-of-date” and stored separate from in date supplies.

Reporting Animal Concerns

Please report deficiencies or concerns about care or use of Texas A&M animals to the attending veterinarian, 979.845.7433, or to the chair of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), 979.845.1828. Be assured that your report will be completely confidential. The reported incident will be investigated and the appropriate action taken. The attending veterinarian or IACUC chair will inform you of the actions taken, if you so desire, provided that you choose to identify yourself.

It is the goal of Texas A&M to ensure that all animals on the campus are treated humanely and in accordance with the Animal Welfare ActPublic Health Service (PHS) PolicyU.S. Government Principles for the Utilization and Care of Vertebrate Animals Used in Testing, Research and Training, and applicable state and local laws/regulations which impact the care and use of animals.