Online Training



The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) expects all personnel to participate in the Texas A&M Animal Care and Use Training Program to satisfy their training requirement. As part of the Animal Use Protocol (AUP) approval process, principal investigators must document the training and experience of their personnel.

AALAS Certification Preparatory Course

Each year, the CMP staff teaches a course designed to prepare participants for American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS) certification exams at the technician level. All Texas A&M animal care personnel are invited and encouraged to participate in the course.

Animal Caretaker Training Program

This program is designed to train centralized animal care facility personnel in animal care and husbandry duties. The program allows new workers with minimal experience to start at a base level and progress to more advanced levels of animal care in a systematic fashion. Other Texas A&M animal care personnel are encouraged to participate in the training program.

Special Topic

“Brown Bag” Seminars

Special topic “Brown Bag” seminars are offered several times throughout the year. These seminars are organized to provide current information in special interest areas to CMP personnel, Texas A&M research personnel and staff.

Seminars are usually less than an hour in length and are presented around the lunch hour (so bring a bagged lunch). All Texas A&M research investigators are encouraged to present information regarding their current projects. To be placed on the mailing list for these seminars, or if you would like to present a seminar about your research project, contact CMP Administration at or 979-845-7433.

Individual Training Sessions

Individualized hands-on training sessions are available by appointment only. Contact the CMP Training Division for more details (979) 845-7433.



A primary activity of the Animal Care and Use Training Program is providing workshops on common CMP animal procedures. Faculty, staff, and graduate students involved with animal care and use are encouraged to attend these workshops. Each workshop will provide hands-on training on acceptable and humane methods for basic techniques commonly used in biomedical research. 

Workshops for basic handling and techniques training with selected species are generally scheduled on a weekly basis. All other workshops are scheduled on an “As Needed/When Available” basis. Workshop space is limited; individuals interested in attending a training workshop must first request training and will then be assigned to a specific workshop.

Additional Training Resources