It is the responsibility of Texas A&M University to assure that all Texas A&M and Texas A&M AgriLife Research personnel involved in the care, treatment, and use of animals in research and teaching are qualified to perform their duties.
Online Training
The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) expects all personnel to participate in the Texas A&M Animal Care and Use Training Program to satisfy their training requirement. As part of the Animal Use Protocol (AUP) approval process, principal investigators must document the training and experience of their personnel.
AALAS Certification Preparatory Course
Each year, the CMP staff teaches a course designed to prepare participants for American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS) certification exams at the technician level. All Texas A&M animal care personnel are invited and encouraged to participate in the course.
Animal Caretaker Training Program
This program is designed to train centralized animal care facility personnel in animal care and husbandry duties. The program allows new workers with minimal experience to start at a base level and progress to more advanced levels of animal care in a systematic fashion. Other Texas A&M animal care personnel are encouraged to participate in the training program.
“Brown Bag” Seminars
Special topic “Brown Bag” seminars are offered several times throughout the year. These seminars are organized to provide current information in special interest areas to CMP personnel, Texas A&M research personnel and staff.
Seminars are usually less than an hour in length and are presented around the lunch hour (so bring a bagged lunch). All Texas A&M research investigators are encouraged to present information regarding their current projects. To be placed on the mailing list for these seminars, or if you would like to present a seminar about your research project, contact CMP Administration at or 979-845-7433.
Individual Training Sessions
Individualized hands-on training sessions are available by appointment only. Contact the CMP Training Division for more details (979) 845-7433.
A primary activity of the Animal Care and Use Training Program is providing workshops on common CMP animal procedures. Faculty, staff, and graduate students involved with animal care and use are encouraged to attend these workshops. Each workshop will provide hands-on training on acceptable and humane methods for basic techniques commonly used in biomedical research.
Workshops for basic handling and techniques training with selected species are generally scheduled on a weekly basis. All other workshops are scheduled on an “As Needed/When Available” basis. Workshop space is limited; individuals interested in attending a training workshop must first request training and will then be assigned to a specific workshop.
Basic principles of aseptic techniques are important in all aspects of medicine, but strict adherence to aseptic principles is especially important with surgical procedures to prevent clinical infections.
Aseptic techniques are required for survival surgery in both rodent and non-rodent species. While absolute sterility cannot always be attained, every effort should be made to approach it by adhering to standard aseptic techniques. Participants will be instructed on and given the opportunity to practice:
- Preparation of surgical instruments and equipment for sterilization (wrapping and packaging)
- Preparation of the animal patient for surgery (clipping hair and preparation of the incision site)
- Preparation of the surgeon (methods of surgical scrubbing, gowning, and gloving)
- Preparation of the surgical environment
- Establishing and maintaining a sterile field
While most studies using rodents involve simple handling and restraint, more involved projects may require specialized skills. Survival surgery, when performed aseptically, enhances the success of surgical procedures, increases survival of animals, and reduces research variables associated with stress and bacterial contamination.
These workshops are designed to instruct Texas A&M University personnel about basic aseptic techniques. Personnel performing or assisting with rodent survival surgery can benefit from such instruction. Investigators overseeing projects involving rodent surgery should ensure that the procedures are carried out by personnel that are trained in aseptic technique as well as the surgical procedure being performed. Participants in this workshop will be instructed on:
- Current rules and regulations associated with rodent survival surgery
- Aseptic preparation of the surgery area equipment, patient, and surgeon
- Maintenance of an aseptic surgical environment
- Pre-operative, intra-operative, and post-operative care of rodents
Respiratory depression and hypothermia are two of the major concerns during anesthesia of small rodents. Therefore anesthetic regimens that result in rapid recovery and easy adjustment of depth are preferred. Inhalation, or “gas” anesthesia, is an anesthetic technique that provides rapid recovery as well as excellent control over anesthetic depth.
All of the commonly used inhalation anesthetics can be safely used in small rodents, provided appropriate equipment is available. Halothane and isoflurane provide good skeletal muscle relaxation and only mild to moderate depression of the cardiovascular and/or respiratory systems. This workshop will provide the following information:
- The advantages and disadvantages of injectable versus inhalation anesthesia
- Isoflurane and halothane as inhalation anesthetics, including the advantages and disadvantages of each
- Review of equipment necessary for the safe and effective use of gas anesthesia
- Induction, maintenance, monitoring, and recovery of an animal anesthetized with gas anesthesia
- Personnel safety when working with inhalation agents
Mice, rats, and rabbits are commonly used in biomedical teaching and research. Most studies using these animals involve simple handling and restraint, injections, and blood collections.
These procedures, when performed properly, are simple, humane, and technically straightforward. Safe and humane performance of these techniques requires skill, patience, and practical experience. Correct handling, restraint, and technical skills can be learned through specific training. Hands-on training is especially beneficial. These workshops are designed to instruct Texas A&M University personnel about acceptable basic methods and techniques. Investigators overseeing projects involving these animal species should ensure that all procedures are carried out by personnel who have received this or similar training. Participants in each workshop will be instructed on:
- Methods of safe, humane handling and restraint, including anesthesia
- Injection procedures including intramuscular, subcutaneous, intraperitoneal, and intravenous injections
- Blood collection techniques
When performing survival surgery, proper wound closure is an important step to animal recovery. Selection of the appropriate suture materials and suture patterns, and knowledge about tissue handling, can play a significant role in uncomplicated tissue healing.
Hands-on training is especially beneficial. Participants in this workshop will receive instruction on:
- Correct use of surgical instruments
- Selection of suture materials based on size, composition, and characteristics of each suture material
- Suture patterns including simple interrupted, simple continuous, and subcuticular patterns
- Use of wound clips and stainless steel staples, basic tissue handling techniques
Many types of immunodeficient rodents have been identified for use as animal models, especially in the fields of immunology, oncology, and infectious diseases.
Many strains are commercially available in a pathogen-free state and must be maintained under rigid programs. Such innovations require users of these models to be careful to work with these animals in a pathogen-free environment. Participants in this workshop will be instructed on general considerations for working with these animals, and the aseptic techniques that can be employed.
Additional Training Resources
- Duke University – Animal Care and Use Program
- USDA National Agriculture Library – Animal Welfare Information Center
Information on recognizing and assessing pain and distress.