Requests to the Vice President for Research (VPR) for program development will be subject to a comprehensive review and evaluation to ensure alignment with the overall guiding principles and strategic mission to advance research, scholarship, and creative work at Texas A&M. Examples include costs associated with large proposal development, equipment purchases for shared and core facilities, operating costs, maintenance contracts and financial support for distinguished postdoctoral fellows such as the Texas A&M NRSA Part-time Employment Program (TPEP) for NIH NRSA Postdoctoral Fellowships.

Following review, the funding requestor will receive written notification of the VPR’s decision.

Guiding Principles

In general, priority will be given to funding requests that:

  • include a financial contribution from the college/school that is equal to 66% of the request
  • are interdisciplinary in nature
  • will increase the Texas A&M base of federally funded research, and
  • have a fixed time period,
  • enhance the visibility of the Texas A&M research enterprise and reputation,
  • increase the capacity and capabilities for performing research.

Except in very rare circumstances, the Division of Research does not provide ongoing salary support, bridging or new faculty startup funds.