What’s in your food? Imports bring quality into question, expert says
Almost a quarter of the average American’s food consumption is imported, TIAS Faculty Fellow says
Biomarker will improve accuracy of prognoses for cancer patients
Findings could leaned to advances in anti-cancer drugs and cancer prevention
Efficient cow-calf farming leads to lower carbon emissions, study says
Paper provides first study on relationship between cow-calf farm efficiency and environmental consequences
Who are the most romantic singers in the animal kingdom? Male bats
One-tenth of a second: That’s how long a male bat has to get a female’s attention
Climate change: Economists examine steps for managing threats
Dealing with climate change will require smarter use of energy
The adjusted GPA: Statistician offers possible cure for grade inflation
Recent national analysis says 43 percent of all letter grades awarded in 2008 were A’s, up from 16 percent in 1960.
Mysterious pest threatens Texas’ billion-dollar grain sorghum crop
10 pesticides undergo testing for ability to manage sugarcane aphids
Injectable material will deliver therapy, technology in human body
Biomedical engineers develop carrier system for microscopic capsules that will act as reservoirs for medicines or sensors
Statisticians create new avenue for funding: an in-house consulting firm
Texas A&M Statistical Services LP draws on expertise of faculty to assist government and business