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Chemical Engineering

Revolutionizing cancer treatment through programmable bacteria

To control the growth rate, the bacterium’s genes will be altered to regulate its population and oscillate around a specific setpoint

Study finds most Americans strongly support vaccination requirements for K-12 students

Vaccine mandates for school-age individuals are especially effective, because this age group has fewer preventive visits

The great “unwinding” of Medicaid

Research explores various Medicaid policy changes and what they mean for future policy research and practice.

Utilizing omega-6 fatty acids to mitigate early embryonic loss in beef cattle

Reproductive failure is a key factor limiting cow-calf productivity, and pregnancy loss has been recognized as one of the main reproductive challenges in cattle

Physicists play key role in milestone moment toward development of a nuclear clock

The countdown has started to develop of a new generation of timepieces capable of shattering records
Evolutionary Biology

Genome-sequencing project reveals secrets about cat evolution 

Researchers gain new insights into the genetic differences that make each type unique

Texas A&M AgriLife researcher receives $4 million grant to study feeding intolerance in preterm infants

A novel method developed by Chapkin Lab enables researchers to assess the intestinal physiology of a baby.

Inflammatory reactions and the autoimmune connection

Inflammatory disorders are characterized by an imbalance of immune cells and increased production of pro-inflammatory cytokines

Making communities energy resilient

This project will develop an innovative community-based energy resilience plan